Fundraising ($4,410 raised)
Top groups:
1.#potsbronx 2 racers × $48.50 avg = $97
2.#fordham 2 racers × $31 avg = $62
Top fundraisers:
1.Dee Miller $431
2.Maureen Sheehan $341
3.Charles Tricomi $331
see more...
Top contributors:
1.Emmet Sheehan $250
2.Dee Miller $200
3.Chelsea Lynne Hammerschmidt $200
see more...
Top team fundraisers:
1.Might 4 Right $920
2.TEAM DEE G $890
3.IHeartPOTS $830
see more...
Latest contributions:
Margot M Oct 3, 2022
Team Micaela Sept 30, 2022
Shan's Team Sept 26, 2022
Team Micaela Sept 26, 2022
Team Micaela Sept 20, 2022
TEAM DEE G Sept 19, 2022
Filter by groups::
1.#potsbronx 2 racers × 36.0 avg = 72 miles
2.#fordham 2 racers × 31.4 avg = 63 miles
1.Shan's Team Finished
2.IHeartPOTS Finished
3.TEAM DEE G Finished
4.Might 4 Right Finished
5.Team Micaela Finished
7.Margot M Finished
8.TEAM PAGS Finished
9.RAHO'S RACERS 0 miles
1.Shan's Team 694.1 miles
2.Might 4 Right 594.3 miles
3.IHeartPOTS 458.7 miles
4.Team Micaela 180.7 miles
5.STAFF&FRIENDS 176.7 miles
6.TEAM DEE G 156.9 miles
7.TEAM PAGS 95.9 miles
8.Margot M 92.8 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (65)
1.CoachGil Finished
2.SteelerNation87 Finished
3.Warlie Finished
4.Charlotte373 Finished
5.ccasino Finished
6.HeyKevvv Finished
7.angelac Finished
8.Guapo Finished
9.JCharles Finished
10.ShansHubby Finished
11.LincolnHawk Finished
12.Clairemu Finished
13.ChelsHammer Finished
14.Nancymae Finished
15.JenHili Finished
16.chanson Finished
17.mtrixx Finished
18.Caroblank Finished
19.UWS-AK Finished
20.THibbert Finished
21.Adeebius Finished
22.Momo22 Finished
23.Moranimal Finished
24.maggie927 Finished
25.Buduffy Finished
26.aauerbac Finished
27.KStock Finished
28.BrendanCworthy Finished
29.Spas Finished
30.ShannonR Finished
31.BSaum Finished
32.SGeorgio Finished
33.BrittanyV 27.0 miles
34.TJGPages 25.5 miles
35.Elinore 24.6 miles
36.agermano 23.6 miles
37.Mark_Chanatry 23.6 miles
38.KTT 22.9 miles
39.Colin_McC 22.4 miles
40.vmarie 22.0 miles
41.BeansD 21.7 miles
42.MargotMcc 20.7 miles
43.wrangler 18.0 miles
44.Cif 17.1 miles
45.AJacobson623 16.9 miles
46.Sonya_J 16.6 miles
47.AriEvans 13.9 miles
48.Wlaz 13.8 miles
49.Kiernan 13.5 miles
50.MommaKP 9.8 miles
see more...
1.ccasino 169.1 miles
2.Charlotte373 153.3 miles
3.SteelerNation87 133.9 miles
4.Warlie 124.2 miles
5.ChelsHammer 102.6 miles
6.CoachGil 89.8 miles
7.ShansHubby 87.3 miles
8.JCharles 74.2 miles
9.angelac 67.0 miles
10.Guapo 62.3 miles
11.JenHili 61.5 miles
12.Nancymae 58.9 miles
13.HeyKevvv 57.7 miles
14.LincolnHawk 54.0 miles
15.ShannonR 53.9 miles
16.THibbert 52.8 miles
17.BrendanCworthy 52.5 miles
18.chanson 51.4 miles
19.Caroblank 49.0 miles
20.Momo22 46.6 miles
21.Clairemu 44.7 miles
22.KStock 43.4 miles
23.Moranimal 40.8 miles
24.Adeebius 40.4 miles
25.aauerbac 38.6 miles
26.UWS-AK 38.1 miles
27.SGeorgio 35.7 miles
28.Spas 35.3 miles
29.mtrixx 35.1 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: The Bronx
- To: The Bronx
- Start date: September 28, 2022
- End date: October 12, 2022
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 500+ miles
- Total logged: 2,450.1 miles
POTS Junior Board invites you to virtually race across the Bronx in support of Part of the Solution (POTS), a Bronx-based charity focused on alleviating poverty through a personalized and comprehensive service model.
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your team's avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
Our goal is to collectively complete 500+ miles between 9/28/22 and 10/12/22. Each team will be responsible for completing a minimum of 28.84 miles in support of this goal, but we encourage you to keep logging those miles for the full duration of the race.
There will be three winning teams. The categories are:
To keep everyone on the same page, here are some guidelines:
Questions about racery? Write team@racery.com!
Questions about POTS? Write development@potsbronx.org!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your team's avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
Our goal is to collectively complete 500+ miles between 9/28/22 and 10/12/22. Each team will be responsible for completing a minimum of 28.84 miles in support of this goal, but we encourage you to keep logging those miles for the full duration of the race.
There will be three winning teams. The categories are:
- Team with the Longest Total Miles
- First Team to Complete the Minimum Miles
- Top Team Fundraiser
To keep everyone on the same page, here are some guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions about racery? Write team@racery.com!
Questions about POTS? Write development@potsbronx.org!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.